
罗彻斯特 Michigan 48309-4486
(248) 370-2762
(248) 370-4111
# OaklandResearch

A woman holding a basket of vegetables, in front of a shelf displaying more food.


Through faculty-driven and student-engaged research, 奖学金, 创造性活动, 韦德体育app官网 advances knowledge and art in a diverse and inclusive environment. One of the pillars of the University’s mission focuses on mobilizing the knowledge and expertise resident in its faculty. OU’s researchers take the knowledge they have created and the expertise they have developed out into the world.

The 调查系列 is an opportunity to:

  • showcase the work of OU’s engaged researchers and public intellectuals
  • learn how you can take your research public and make the world a better place

Each 调查系列 event will feature a talk by a successful, 公聘教员, describing their work and research career, along with an exploration and guided discussion of the skills, tools, and strategies required to operate as an engaged scholar.

Benefits for 调查系列 Presenters
Faculty chosen to participate will have the opportunity to present at a 调查系列 event.

  • The speaker and their work will be featured in the OU News (print story)
  • The speaker will meet with staff to discuss the possibility of fundraising, 基金会的支持, and other external funding to support their work

The anticipated audience for the 调查系列 includes faculty, students, 大学行政人员, alumni, and external donors and potential collaborators. These events allow faculty to share their expertise, explore collaboration opportunities, 互相学习.

The 调查系列 showcases great examples of faculty successfully taking their work out of the lab, the field, 存档, or the studio and using it to make a positive difference in the world. The world needs you to learn how to take your work out into the world. Attend these events and learn how to become a community engaged scholar!

研究处 will take nominations. Faculty can self-nominate or you can nominate others. Nominations are open to faculty of all ranks. Any questions can be directed to Dr. 大卫的石头, (电子邮件保护).




  • 阿曼达·尼科尔斯·赫斯, 肖恩·麦肯 (对外开放大学图书馆,2019年10月isualizing Data for Community Audiences
  • 乔安娜·蒂伦,茱莉亚·罗德里格斯 (开放大学图书馆,2019年3月)- Discover Who’s Talking about Your Research with Altmetrics
  • Roop Raj (福克斯2频道,2019年3月) 你上电视了! Now What?
  • 凯西·菲佛 (英文,2019年2月 Engaging the Community Through Storytelling
  • 大卫Dulio (Political Science, November 2018) - Making Political Science Accessible and Informative to the Public (When Everyone Thinks They Are an Expert)
  • 詹妮弗卢卡雷利 (Interdisciplinary 健康科学, October 2018) - Make It Work: Building and Maintaining Academic-Community Partnerships