Students sitting at desks look towards a woman who stands speaking


One of the many benefits of an 荣誉学院 education is the guidance you’ll receive from 荣誉学院助教, 学生研究员和教师导师.  Whether you are a freshman taking HC1000 or a graduating senior getting ready to submit a thesis - 荣誉学院 has all the support you need to succeed.

助教 & 学生们

助教 (TA) are the primary contact for all 荣誉学院 freshman during their HC1000 experience.  荣誉学院教职员 are always here to assist you should you need additional support and guidance along the way.

You too can become a Teaching Assistant throughout your 荣誉学院 experience.  如果已成功完成HC1000,则满足最低要求3.平均成绩要求5分, you can apply for this paid position which has a fall semester commitment.  Training sessions are mandatory and take place prior to the beginning of the fall semester.

The TA application process along with other detailed information is also posted during the winter semester in 荣誉学院 "Weekly Announcements" (sent to your 韦德体育app官网 email). 

一旦你成功地完成了这个任务, it opens the doors for many more opportunities not only within 荣誉学院 but within the entire university.  如果你想申请院长奖学金 职位,你必须是助教(最好是两年).  只需在链接的应用程序中选中相应的框







你有兴趣更多地参与荣誉学院吗?  你想成为HC学生管理项目的一部分吗?  

荣誉学院 seeks ambitious, HC upperclassmen to help grow our program.  在HC大使项目中, you would be helping your colleagues run events and brainstorm new ones with the aim of supporting other HC 学生.  We are in the process of expanding this program and can't wait to see all the new faces.

肯德尔Binfet (电子邮件保护) or
莱利Binfet (电子邮件保护)



2024年新品!  为6名总统韦德体育app官网提供实习机会.  This is a non-paid position that offers many benefits as noted below.  We have a rolling application process and will select interns as needed.  If you have any questions, please contact Assistant Dean Anne Jackson:  (电子邮件保护)

  1. 成绩单上会注明你是荣誉学院实习生, as you will have permission to register for a special section of HC 4400: Honors Internship Program.
  2. Be involved on campus in a unique way by assisting as a 荣誉学院 student leader at admissions events. 您将接受培训,为活动做准备.
  3. Your Presidential Scholar Medallion connections activities requirement will be 全包 通过完成这次实习!
  4. An amazing opportunity to network with campus partners and enhance your resume with this leadership experience. 
  5. Opportunity to provide student feedback and be a change agent regarding 荣誉学院 programs and services to enhance delivery of our programs. 



With the support of the Eugene and Marcia Applebaum Family Foundation, 荣誉学院 at 韦德体育app官网 launched the Applebaum Student Internship Program in March 2021.  This program provides 学生 with an opportunity to spend a calendar year (January-December) working closely with 荣誉学院 Facilitators and community organizations in the city of Pontiac.  The mission is to solve problems and build meaningful and sustainable solutions that impact the residents and 学生 in Pontiac.  

Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis and interviews begin during the fall semester.  该项目于1月1日开始,12月31日结束.  这个基于奖励的项目在项目完成时支付.

2024名实习生已被选中.  如果你是第一个, second or third year student and would like to be considered for this internship, 请提交申请.  If you are selected for an interview, notifications will be sent during the fall semester. 

实习协调员:Dr. 苏珊·琳恩·贝克维斯 (电子邮件保护)





荣誉学院 selects OU 研究生 Students who are working towards their masters in counseling degrees to assist our Counseling office.  作业时间为两个学期(秋季/冬季)。.  Sometimes, there is a need to hire a graduate assistant during the summer semesters as well.  For more information, send an email inquiry to Assistant Dean, Anne Jackson: (电子邮件保护)





荣誉学院 is pleased to announce the formation of a new honor society, Alpha Alpha
Alpha (or Tri-Alpha), which recognizes the academic achievements of first-generation college
学生.  更多信息将于2024年秋季学期公布.



ALD提供了一个韦德体育app官网社区, 一个发展你领导能力的平台, and financial support through scholarships and educational partners.  自1939年以来,ALD一直在指导学生的学术和职业发展. 更多信息可以在GrizzOrgs网站上找到.



All 学生 are welcome to become members of 韦德体育app官网的未来领袖犬.  这个俱乐部, along with Leader Dog for the Blind work together to select student puppy raisers for a ten-twelve month period.  The puppy will then return to Leader Dogs for the Blind in Rochester Hills, and continue to be trained by professional handlers before serving the visually impaired.  Club members have the opportunity to help raise a puppy or become a "Campus Buddy" (sitter).  Campus Buddies look after a raiser's puppy during certain classes or other times as needed.  The org also host fundraisers and socials throughout the year to raise awareness about the visually impaired community and the importance of Leader Dogs for the Blind.  欲了解更多信息,请访问我们的网站.



所有HC学生都是 自动 荣誉学院学生会(HCSA)成员. HCSA hosts a variety of fun events each year for all 荣誉学院 学生.  要了解最新的HCSA活动,请访问 GrizzOrgs  或欲了解更多,请联系 (电子邮件保护)

荣誉学院 & 创造性的社会

The 荣誉学院 and 创造性的社会  publishes OU student work in their journal, 回声 Cognitio. 他们接受几乎任何形式的书面媒体,包括:诗歌, 短篇小说, 剧本, 以及研究论文. 对于那些不喜欢写作的人来说, 他们也接受摄影和其他图形艺术作品.  请将您的提交和/或您的问题发送至 (电子邮件保护) 


(248) 370-4450